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Libro is library management software for monitoring and controlling the transaction of the library. It includes Book issue, renewal and return process. Libro helps to access the Book, Student and Staff details in easiest method with auto generated barcode.


Key-Features :

  • An application developed for Desktop user
  • It is very user friendly
  • Able to generate PDF reports.
  • Data can be Exported in Excel
  • Book Details can be import from Excel
  • Barcode Generate & Read
  • Varies Reports available like Student , Staff, Due , Book Issue , Book Due etc..
  • Upload & Download Digital Books
  • Upgrade / Reshuffle students

How it helps an business organization :

Libro is library management software. It can be used be in schools, colleges and other libraries. It helps to process the library process like Book issue, renewal and return. Students and Staff details also can maintained by Libro. A user friendly search options is application to find the book, student and staff details.

User will manage following Details;

  • Manage Student / Staff details
  • Manage Book/ Magazine Details
  • Purchase Order
  • Academic year , Zone, Rack and Shelf
  • Renewal Days, Number of book to Issue
  • Book Issue , Return and Renewal
  • Time table & Sessions

Libro is a client/server application, so we can create more than one client to access the centralized database. All the manual difficulties in managing the Library system would be rectified by implementing computerization

This application allows creating unlimited Users and User Roles to access the modules. The user role can be customized with different accessing permissions.

Data Integration

Excel data can be upload to Libro Database. It allows uploading Student, Staff and book from Excel.


Following reports can be taken from Libro,

  • Book Details
  • Book Issued Report & Book Due Report
  • Book Returned Report
  • Book Count
  • Book Flow report
  • Project Report
  • Student Details & Staff Details
  • Book Transaction History
  • Member wise book Transaction
  • Time Table

Our Products

  • Retail POS is the Deshtop-based version designed for all retail chains and franchises whose outlets are geographically widespread. Its coverage from POS terminals, stores, warehouses with quick installation, smooth upgrades ultimately results in reduced IT capital for the retail POS.

  • PayBuddy is a Desktop based application product developed in core C#.NET and MYSQL combination. It is a one stop pay roll process management tool for an organization.

  • Laconic IMS (Institution Management System) is a Cloud ERP that empowers educational institutions to focus on delivering high-quality education, while taking care of administrative tasks and assisting in repetitive resource intensive activities through seamless automation.

  • Libro is a Desktop based application product developed in core C#.NET and MYSQL combination. It is a one stop Library process management tool for an organization.

  • Asset Tracker is a desktop application help to tracking physical assets of an organization. Category wise asset can be managed by this application. It contains the systematic Item management, Transfer and maintenance. It helps to audit the assets which available in a campus. Each item can be accessed with Item code or barcode .

  • ChitFund Plus is a desktop application used to manage all the process of Chit Fund Company. It allows creating more than one branch for the Chit fund Company. Customer subscription, group creation, auction, Payment collection can be manage managed by ChitFund Plus.

  • FitPro is a desktop application used to manage the GYM process like membership and Payments. It Contains GST include Billing features. There is an automatic Expire alert for membership & Trial.

  • CableLink is a Cable TV Customer Management software, developed by Hello India Solutions. This software helps to Local cable TV operators (LCO) to manage their business in an efficient way.

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  • Images Credit : PEXELS